Original Song
by Bill Pittman, songwriter
(a.k.a. "Duke" online, my middle name)

Coyote Moon
(Rough Demo)

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(copr)2007 Bill Pittman

He's pretty much of a loner, don't go to town that much
He plays a harp made by Hohner, says it helps him stay in touch
With his self, that it sort of helps him care

He loves his golden retriever, the fourth one he's outlived
He hates that he'll have to leave her, surely someone else will give
Her their time and then he just cries as he stares

At the moon, the coyote moon
He plays a cowboy tune to that coyote moon

With coyotes baying, he's mesmerized by the moon
He wonders what they are saying and might know the answer soon
When he goes, that is, if he goes somewhere

He hopes to live till November, the summer is just too hot
He longs for campfire embers, they help him connect the dots
Watch 'em burn, every now and then turn and stare

One more coyote moon


(c)2005-2007 Bill Pittman All rights reserved
